Convolutional Autoencoder Architecture

This post compares several discrimination characteristic extraction models, with more details in my Github repository.

Why Feature Extraction Matters

Feature extraction is a key step in machine learning that transforms raw data into a set of useful, non-redundant features. This process:

  • Improves the performance of learning algorithms
  • Enhances generalization
  • Makes the data easier for humans to understand

In this study, we apply various visualization and data reduction methods to the Fashion-MNIST dataset and integrate them with a specific learning model.

Understanding Autoencoders

Autoencoders have a long history in machine learning:

  • First mentioned in a 1986 paper on backpropagation
  • A 1989 article highlighted their ability to extract linear features
  • Later research showed they could also find non-linear factorial representations

We were inspired to compare Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and autoencoders on a complex dataset after a mini-project. Visualizing the results using clustering helped us understand the effects of encoding.

Key Findings and Future Work

Through this project, we learned a lot about visualization and clustering techniques and the unique properties of autoencoders and their variants.

Key Takeaways:

  • Autoencoders can greatly improve clustering results, especially when the classes in a dataset are unknown
  • The t-SNE method is useful for visualizing data distribution
  • The Kullback-Leibler divergence and its link to mutual information helped evaluate our results

Potential Next Steps:

  • Build a variational autoencoder architecture with convolutional layers
  • Experiment with different K-means parameters to optimize accuracy

Overall, this exploration allowed us to effectively visualize and classify the Fashion-MNIST dataset, which is more complex than the standard MNIST dataset.