In the field of object detection, the YOLO (You Only Look Once) family of models has significantly improved real-time object detection in various applications, including self-driving cars and security systems. YOLO NAS, a new addition developed by, is making significant advancements in this area. This article will compare YOLO NAS with its predecessors and highlight its advantages.

YOLO NAS vs. YOLOv8: Performance Comparison

According to performance comparisons by Augmented Startups, YOLO NAS S and M models outperform their YOLOv8 counterparts in terms of mean Average Precision (mAP), which combines precision and recall. However, the YOLOv8 L model slightly outperforms the YOLO-NAS L model in mAP.

In terms of latency, YOLO NAS consistently outperforms YOLOv8 across all model sizes. This faster response time is essential for real-time applications where every millisecond is important.

Fine-tuning: YOLO NAS Excels

YOLO NAS not only performs well out of the box but also ranks first on the Roboflow 100 dataset benchmark. This indicates that YOLO NAS is highly adaptable and can be efficiently fine-tuned on custom datasets, making it suitable for specific applications.


YOLO NAS combines the strength of YOLO models with the flexibility of Neural Architecture Search (NAS) to deliver exceptional performance. It offers:

  • Superior real-time object detection capabilities
  • Lower latency
  • Easy fine-tuning

YOLO NAS is a significant addition to the YOLO family and demonstrates the progress made in AI and machine learning. Stay updated for more exciting developments in this field!